Pirate Girls
Pirate Grandmas
Elizabeth and Cousins Allison and Caitlin getting excited for Halloween!
Our little Tinkerbell
A Tinkerbell, Alice in Wonderland, Minnie Mouse and Pirate Tammy
Going trick or treating finally
Wow, they give you candy!
This is the best thing ever
Just knock on a door and you get candy!
Enjoying the spoils
It was also Grandpa Larry's birthday!
Pirate Julie and Tinkerbell Elizabeth
Licking the icing
Grandpa Marty
All the pirates:
Robert & Janet Hinds, Bonnie & Marty Green, Gail & Larry Patterson, Tammy & Josh Plumlee, Julie & Elizabeth Green, Caitlin & Allison Plumlee and Elmo
Trick or treating